Data Science is software that processes and distributes the large set of data into the cluster of computers. If you want to be a master in the Data Science Technique and upgrade your skills in the software industry then this data science online training would be an ideal option for you
Data science it is a software here distributing and processing the large set of data into the cluster of computers. This Course is designed to Master yourself in the Data Science Techniques and Upgrade your skill set to the next level to sustain your career in ever changing the software Industry. This Course covers from the basics of Data Science to Big Data Hadoop, Python, Apache Spark etc.
Objectives of the Course
Pre-Requites of the Course
Course Duration
Data Science Course Content
Introduction to Data Science
Need for Data Scientists
Foundation of Data Science
What is Business Intelligence
What is Data Analysis, Data Mining, and Machine Learning
Analytics vs Data Science
Value Chain
Types of Analytics
Lifecycle Probability
Analytics Project Lifecycle
Basis of Data Categorization
Types of Data
Data Collection Types
Forms of Data and Sources
Data Quality, Changes and Data Quality Issues, Quality Story
What is Data Architecture
Components of Data Architecture
How is Data Stored?
Big Data
What is Big Data?
5 Vs of Big Data
Big Data Architecture, Technologies, Challenge and Big Data Requirements
Big Data Distributed Computing and Complexity
Map Reduce Framework
Hadoop Ecosystem
Data Science Deep Dive
What is Data Science?
Why are Data Scientists in demand?
What is a Data Product
The growing need for Data Science
Large-Scale Analysis Cost vs Storage
Data Science Skills
Data Science Use Cases and Data Science Project Life Cycle & Stages
Map-Reduce Framework
Hadoop Ecosystem
Data Acquisition
Where to source data
Evaluating input data
Data formats, Quantity and Data Quality
Resolution Techniques
Data Transformation
File Format Conversions
Intro to R Programming
Introduction to R
Business Analytics
Analytics concepts
The importance of R in analytics
R Language community and eco-system
Usage of R in industry
Installing R and other packages
Perform basic R operations using command line
Usage of IDE R Studio and various GUI
R Programming Concepts
The datatypes in R and its uses
Built-in functions in R
Subsetting methods
Summarize data using functions
Use of functions like head(), tail(), for inspecting data
Use-cases for problem solving using R
Data Manipulation in R
Various phases of Data Cleaning
Functions used in Inspection
Data Cleaning Techniques
Uses of functions involved
Use-cases for Data Cleaning using R
Data Import Techniques in R
Import data from spreadsheets and text files into R
Importing data from statistical formats
Packages installation for database import
Connecting to RDBMS from R using ODBC and basic SQL queries in R
Web Scraping
Other concepts on Data Import Techniques
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using R
What is EDA?
Why do we need EDA?
Goals of EDA
Types of EDA
Implementing of EDA
Boxplots, cor() in R
EDA functions
Multiple packages in R for data analysis
Some fancy plots
Use-cases for EDA using R
Data Visualization in R
Storytelling with Data
Principle tenets
Elements of Data Visualization
Infographics vs Data Visualization
Data Visualization & Graphical functions in R
Plotting Graphs
Customizing Graphical Parameters to improvise the plots
Various GUIs
Spatial Analysis
Other Visualization concepts
Big Data and Hadoop Introduction
What is Big Data and Hadoop?
Challenges of Big Data
Traditional approach Vs Hadoop
Hadoop Architecture
Distributed Model
Block structure File System
Technologies supporting Big Data
Fault Tolerance
Why Hadoop?
Hadoop Eco-System
Use cases of Hadoop
Fundamental Design Principles of Hadoop
Comparison of Hadoop Vs RDBMS
Understand Hadoop Cluster Architecture
Hadoop Cluster and Architecture
5 Daemons
Hands-On Exercise
Typical Workflow
Hands-On Exercise
Writing Files to HDFS
Hands-On Exercise
Reading Files from HDFS
Hands-On Exercise
Rack Awareness
Before Map Reduce
Map Reduce Concepts
Map Reduce Concepts
What is Map Reduce?
Why Map Reduce?
Map Reduce in real world and Map Reduce Flow
What is Mapper, Reducer, and Shuffling?
Word Count Problem
Hands-On Exercise
Distributed Word Count Flow and Solution
Log Processing and Map Reduce
Hands-On Exercise
Advanced Map Reduce Concepts
What is Combiner?
Hands-On Exercise
What is Partitioner?
Hands-On Exercise
What is Counter?
Hands-On Exercise
InputFormats/Output Formats
Hands-On Exercise
Map Join using MR
Hands-On Exercise
Reduce Join using MR
Hands-On Exercise
MR Distributed Cache
Hands-On Exercise
Using sequence files & images with MR
Hands-On Exercise
Planning for Cluster & Hadoop 2.0 Yarn
Configuration of Hadoop
Choosing Right Hadoop Hardware and Software?
Hadoop Log Files?
Hadoop 2.0 and YARN
Hadoop 1.0 Challenges
NN Scalability, SPOF, and HA
Job Tracker Challenges
Hadoop 2.0 New Features
Hadoop 2.0 Cluster Architecture & Federation
Hadoop 2.0 HA
Yarn & Hadoop Ecosystem
Yarn MR Application Flow
Introduction to Pig
What Is Pig?
Pig’s Features & Pig Use Cases
Interacting with Pig
Basic Data Analysis with Pig
Hands-On Exercise
Pig Latin Syntax
Loading Data
Hands-On Exercise
Simple Data Types
Field Definitions
Data Output
Viewing the Schema
Hands-On Exercise
Filtering and Sorting Data
Hands-On Exercise
Commonly-Used Functions
Hands-On Exercise: Pig for ETL Processing
Processing Complex Data with Pig
Hands-On Exercise
Storage Formats
Complex/Nested Data Types
Hands-On Exercise
Hands-On Exercise
Built-in Functions for Complex Data
Hands-On Exercise
Iterating Grouped Data
Hands-On Exercises
Multi-Dataset Operations with Pig
Hands-On Exercise
Techniques for Combining Data Sets
Joining Data Sets in Pig
Hands-On Exercise
Splitting Data Sets
Hands-On Exercise
Hive Fundamentals and Architecture
Loading and Querying Data in Hive
Hands-On Exercise
Hive Architecture and Installation
Comparison with Traditional Database
HiveQL: Data Types, Operators and Functions
Hands-On Exercise
Hive Tables, Managed Tables and External Tables
Hands-On Exercise
Partitions and Buckets
Hands-On Exercise
Storage Formats, Importing Data, Altering Tables, Dropping Tables
Hands-On Exercise
Querying Data, Sorting and Aggregating, Map Reduce Scripts
Hands-On Exercise
Joins & Sub queries, Views
Hands-On Exercise
Integration, Data manipulation with Hive
Hands-On Exercise
User Defined Functions
Hands-On Exercise
Appending Data into existing Hive Table
Hands-On Exercise
Static partitioning vs dynamic partitioning
Hands-On Exercise
CAP Theorem
HBase Architecture and concepts
Introduction to HBase
Client API’s and their features
HBase tables The ZooKeeper Service
Data Model, Operations
Programming and Hands on Exercises
Introduction to Sqoop
MySQL Client & server
Connecting to relational data base using Sqoop
Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql
Exporting data using Sqoop to MySql
Incremental append
Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql to hive
Exporting data using Sqoop to MySql from hive
Importing data using Sqoop from Mysql to hbase
Using queries and sqoop
Flume and Oozie
What is Flume?
Why use Flume, Architecture, configurations
Master, collector, Agent
Twitter Data Sentimental Analysis project
What is Oozie, Architecture, configurations?
Oozie Job Submission
Oozie properties
Hands-on exercises
Social Media Final Project
Hadoop Project
Problem Definition
Discuss datasets and specifications of the project
Project in Healthcare Domain
Hadoop Project in Healthcare
Problem Definition
Discuss datasets and specifications of the project
Project in Finance/Banking Domain
Hadoop Project in Banking Domain
Problem Definition
Discuss datasets and specifications of the project
Apache Spark
Introduction to Apache Spark
Why Spark
Batch Vs. Real-Time Big Data Analytics
Batch Analytics – Hadoop Ecosystem Overview
Real-Time Analytics Options
Streaming Data – Storm
In Memory Data – Spark, What is Spark?
Spark benefits to Professionals
Limitations of MR in Hadoop
Components of Spark
Spark Execution Architecture
Benefits of Apache Spark
Hadoop vs Spark
Introduction to Scala
Features of Scala
Basic Data Types of Scala
Val vs Var
Type Inference
Objects & Classes in Scala
Functions as Objects in Scala
Anonymous Functions in Scala
Higher Order Functions
Lists in Scala
Pattern Matching
Traits in Scala
Collections in Scala
Spark Core Architecture
Spark & Distributed Systems
Spark for Scalable Systems
Spark Execution Context
What is RDD
RDD Deep Dive and Dependencies
RDD Lineage
Spark Application In Depth and Spark Deployment
Parallelism in Spark
Caching in Spark
Spark Internals
Spark Transformations, Actions, Cluster and SQL Introduction
Spark Data Frames
Spark SQL with CSV, JSON, and Database
Spark Streaming
Features of Spark Streaming
Micro Batch
Transformations on Dstreams
Spark Streaming Use Case
Statistics + Machine Learning
What is Statistics?
Descriptive Statistics
Central Tendency Measures
The Story of Average
Dispersion Measures
Data Distributions
Central Limit Theorem
What is Sampling
Why Sampling
Sampling Methods
Inferential Statistics
What is Hypothesis testing
Confidence Level
Degrees of freedom
what is pValue
Chi-Square test
What is ANOVA
Correlation vs Regression
Uses of Correlation and Regression
Machine Learning
Machine Learning Introduction
ML Fundamentals
ML Common Use Cases
Understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Techniques
Similarity Metrics
Distance Measure Types: Euclidean, Cosine Measures
Creating predictive models
Understanding K-Means Clustering
Understanding TF-IDF, Cosine Similarity and their application to Vector Space Model
Case study
Implementing Association rule mining
Case study
Understanding Process flow of Supervised Learning Techniques
Decision Tree Classifier
How to build Decision trees
Case study
Random Forest Classifier
What is Random Forests
Features of Random Forest
Out of Box Error Estimate and Variable Importance
Case study
Naive Bayes Classifier
Case study
Project Discussion
Problem Statement and Analysis
Various approaches to solving a Data Science Problem
Pros and Cons of different approaches and algorithms
Linear Regression
Case study
Logistic Regression
Case study
Text Mining
Case study
Sentimental Analysis
Case study
Getting Started with Python
Python Overview
About Interpreted Languages
Advantages/Disadvantages of Python pydoc
Starting Python
Interpreter PATH
Using the Interpreter
Running a Python Script
Python Scripts on UNIX/Windows, Editors and IDEs
Using Variables
Built-in Functions
StringsDifferent Literals
Math Operators and Expressions
Writing to the Screen
String Formatting
Command Line Parameters and Flow Control
Sequences and File Operations
Indexing and Slicing
Iterating through a Sequence
Functions for all Sequences
Using Enumerate()
Operators and Keywords for Sequences
The xrange() function
List Comprehensions
Generator Expressions
Dictionaries and Sets
Deep Dive – Functions Sorting Errors and Exception Handling
Function Parameters
Global Variables
Variable Scope and Returning Values. Sorting
Alternate Keys
Lambda Functions
Sorting Collections of Collections, Dictionaries and Lists in Place
Errors and Exception Handling
Handling Multiple Exceptions
The Standard Exception Hierarchy
Using Modules
The Import Statement
Module Search Path
Package Installation Ways
Regular Expressionist’s Packages and Object – Oriented Programming in Python
The Sys Module
Interpreter Information
Launching External Programs
path directories and Filenames
Walking Directory Trees
Math Function
Random Numbers
Dates and Times
Zipped Archives
Introduction to Python Classes
Defining Classes
Instance Methods
Class Methods and Data Static Methods
Private Methods and Inheritance
Module Aliases and Regular Expressions
Debugging, Databases and Project Skeletons
Dealing with Errors
Using Unit Tests
Project Skeleton
Required Packages
Creating the Skeleton
Project Directory
Final Directory Structure
Testing your Setup
Using the Skeleton
Creating a Database with SQLite 3
CRUD Operations
Creating a Database Object.
Machine Learning Using Python
Introduction to Machine Learning
Areas of Implementation of Machine Learning
Why Python
Major Classes of Learning Algorithms
Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
Learning NumPy
Learning Scipy
Basic plotting using Matplotlib
Machine Learning application
Supervised and Unsupervised learning
Classification Problem
Classifying with k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN)
General Approach to kNN
Building the Classifier from Scratch
Testing the Classifier
Measuring the Performance of the Classifier
Clustering Problem
What is K-Means Clustering
Clustering with k-Means in Python and an
Application Example
Introduction to Pandas
Creating Data Frames
Plotting Data
Creating Functions
Converting Different Formats
Combining Data from Various Formats
Slicing/Dicing Operations.
Scikit and Introduction to Hadoop
Introduction to Scikit-Learn
Inbuilt Algorithms for Use
What is Hadoop and why it is popular
Distributed Computation and Functional Programming
Understanding MapReduce Framework Sample MapReduce Job Run
Hadoop and Python
PIG and HIVE Basics
Streaming Feature in Hadoop
Map Reduce Job Run using Python
Writing a PIG UDF in Python
Writing a HIVE UDF in Python
Pydoop and MRjob Basic
Course Duration: | 35 – 40 hrs |
Timing | Week Days: 1 hrs per day (OR) 3 Times a week or Weekends: 3 hrs per day |
Method: | Instructor led, with exercises. |
Breaks: | As Required, but limited to 2 of 10 min. In weekend batch |
Email ID | |
Study Material | SAP SD Online Training |
Phone | +91 9356913849 |
Fees Structure | 50% After introduction lectures balance After 50% Lecture |
Server access | Throughout the course 24/7 |
Timings | Flexible |