Angular Online Training
Angular is a complete Javascript framework that helps in creation of dynamic and interactive applications in html. We provide the industry specific Angular online training to the young aspirants and working professionals at affordable fee. The course syllabus is designed by your experts to learn the aspects of major frameworks on the web. Our Angular course is easy to learn and can make you capable of developing complex single page web applications
Introduction To Web Technologies
- What is Web
- What are the Requirements to build End to End Web Application?
- What are the Challenges in modern web development?
- What is a Stack?
Typescript Deep Dive-Type Script Architecture
- Basic types
- Variable declarations
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Functions
- Generics
- Enums
- Type inference
- Type compatibility
- Advanced types
- Symbols
- Iterators
- Modules
- Namespaces
- Namespaces vs modules
- Module resolution declaration merging
- Decorators
Introduction To Angular
- Evolution of client side technologies
- What is Angular JS?
- What is Angular?
- Angular vs Angular JS
- Various versions of angular
- Angular architecture
- MVC and MVW Overview
- SPA Overview
- Angular Versions
- New Features added for Angular8
- Angular Universe
- PWI : Progressive WebApps Introduction
- Performance Improvement Overview
Setting Up Environment For Angular
- Installing node
- Yarn
- Angular
Angular Architecture
- Basic building blocks of angular application
- Intro to modules – NgModule meta data – NgModules & components
- NgModules & javascript modules – Angular libraries
Introduction to components
- Component meta data
- Templates&views
- Template syntax
- Data binding
- User input
- String interpolation
- Component styles
- Angular element
- Angular directives
- Structural Type Directives
- Attribute Type Directives
- HostsListeners
- HostBinding
- Attribute
- Property& Attribute binding
- Property Binding vs Interpolation
- Class binding
- Event binding
- Custom event
- Nested components
- Communication Between components
- Component life cycle
- LifeCycleHooks
Angular Pipes
- What is pipe?
- Built-in angular pipes
- Creating custom pipes
- Registering & Integrating pipes
Angular Services
- Introduction to service & dependency injection
- Providing service
- Creating custom service
- Consuming ®istering service
Angular Forms
- Intro to forms in angular
- Various types of forms in angular
- Difference between template driven & reactive forms
- Common foundation
- Form model setup
- Setup in template driven forms
- Data flow in forms
- Form validation
- Dynamic forms
- Validating reactive & template driven
- Form state validation
- Input state validation
- Custom validation
- About observables
- RXJS library
- Use of observable in angular
- Compare RXJS with other techniques
NG Modules
- JS modules vs ng modules
- Frequently used ng modules
- Single ton service
- Lazy loading feature modules
- Sharing ng modules
- Ng module API
Dependency Injection
- Angular dependency injection
- Hierarchical injection
- DI providers
- DI in action
Http client
- Set up HTTP client
- Consume serice form onther technologies
- Creating API(REST API)
- Using node js
- Create API in node js
- Handling communalization using MEAN
- Mongo data base
- Express middleware
- Angular client APP
- Node js server side
- Creating and end to end app
- Handling CRUD operations
Routing & Navigation
- Router imports
- Router configuration
- Router outlet
- Router links
- Routing Resolvers
- Routing Guards
- Nested Routes
- Active router links
- Router state
- Router events
Angular Animations
- Transition & Triggers
- Complex sequences
- Roote transition animations
Angular Materials
- Tables
- Forms
- Tabs
- Grid Layout
- List Layout
Unit Testing In Angular
- Karma with jasmine
- Create unit tests
- Testing angular app
Advanced Topics
- JWT Tokens
- Optimization Concepts
- Lazy Loading Overview
- Angular Universal
Course Duration: | 35 – 40 hrs |
Timing | Week Days: 1 hrs per day (OR) 3 Times a week or Weekends: 3 hrs per day |
Method: | Instructor led, with exercises. |
Breaks: | As Required, but limited to 2 of 10 min. In weekend batch |
Email ID | |
Study Material | Angular Online Training |
Phone | +91 9356913849 |
Fees Structure | 50% After introduction lectures balance After 50% Lecture |
Server access | Throughout the course 24/7 |
Timings | Flexible |